Box Forest Consulting Services
We offer legal and business advisory services, focusing on IT, startups, the new economy and conservation. Top tier quality, affordable rates.
Welcome to Box Forest. We are a sustainability, business advisory and legal firm based in Melbourne, Australia. Box Forest was founded by ex top tier law firm partner Mick Coleman in 2019, as a vehicle to publish ideas and provide legal and business services to individuals, not-for-profits, government and business.
Our vision is a world where organisations flourish across multiple domains – as successful operations over a sustained period; as great places to work; as good to do business with; and having positive impact on staff, clients, the environment and communities.
Click through to our Blog pages or our service pages if you're interested in what we do. Subscribe to our mailing list below, send an email anytime, or call during business hours. We're keen to hear from anyone working on sustainability and good business.

Organisation policies
Compliance and governance
Directors and trustees duties
Organisation structure
Business Planning
Developing people
Developing programs
Contracts and commercial
Business structures
Marketing / consumer
Privacy and technology
E-commerce / distribution
Ethical enterprise
Conservation finance
Renewable energy
Eco-system benefits
Incorporated associations
Pro bono